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Guide Rod Recoil Spring Assembly – Compact

Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $8.09.


– For PF940 ‘Compact’ series (PF940Cv1, PFC9, BKC), as well as other ‘Gen 3’ compatible products

Common failures when the recoil spring is beginning to wear out are ‘failure to feed’ and ‘failure to eject’.? And nothing is more frustrating that bragging about your new build or favorite pistol, only to have it malfunction at the range.

Recoil springs are subjected to higher stresses and require more frequent replacement than other less-stressed springs. We recommend that you change our recoil springs about every

3,000 to 5,000 rounds

. Guns with hotter loads (like .40 S&W or 10mm) may require more frequent changes.

The good news is that it is an easy repair and doesn’t require any special knowledge or tools! Keep an extra (or two) with your ammo, or in the case, so you can replace it quickly and easily.

You can write on the package the date of your last change and/or the round count so you know when to change it out.

On August 10, 2022, the Superior Court for the District of Columbia ruled that Polymer80 handgun frames, lower receivers, Buy, Build, Shoot kits and any comparable products are illegal to purchase and possess in the District of Columbia under District of Columbia law.

Please be advised that different states, localities, and jurisdictions have different laws regarding the types of products sold by Polymer80, and such products may be unlawful in certain places. ?By using this website, or using or purchasing a Polymer80 product, you affirm that you have verified that you may possess, purchase, and use Polymer80 products under all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

